Phone Number
07519 668137
Come along to the new term of OGC!
We’re a friendly, inclusive choir who love to sing—and if you do too, Oxford Gospel Choir is the place for you!
Anyone over the age of 18 is welcome to join. You don’t need to have singing experience, and we don’t hold auditions, but we do have lots of fun building friendships and sharing the joy of music and performing.
To find out more, register your interest at, and we’ll send you all the info you need to give us a go! Or, if you’d prefer, you can just pop along to one of our rehearsals to see what we’re all about.
Alternatively, pop us a message via Facebook, email [email protected], or give Jules, our choir director, a call on 07519 668137.
We’d love to see you there!
07519 668137
New Road, Oxford, UK
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