Local Charity on Mission to Involve all in Music Festival
Local charity Guideposts Trust is on a mission to open up the wonderful world of live music to all, regardless of disability or additional needs. This year, Witney Music Festival will bring together music lovers from across the UK and beyond. With Guideposts, the experience is now welcoming for those who may have missed out in the past.
Guideposts are bringing the first ever ‘FestivALL’ arena to Witney Music Festival on 10th and 11th June 2022. The event will take place in The Leys recreation ground in Witney, Oxfordshire, OX28 4BX. The festival is open to all, with Guideposts’ hosting a VIP area for people with additional needs, such as a learning difficulty, autism, or physical disability. The VIP area is fully wheelchair accessible, and is open to anyone with additional needs and their carers, and tickets must be booked in advance. Please visit https://guideposts.org.uk/festivall/ to learn more and book your place.
Organisers are delighted to be working with Guideposts
FestivALL is all about inclusivity and ensuring everyone feels welcome at Witney Music Festival, while raising money for services dedicated to helping local people with learning difficulties, autism, mental health needs, and dementia. Witney Music Festival organisers are delighted to be working in partnership with Guideposts, and have said ‘we at the Witney Music Festival believe music is for everyone, so we are very excited to be partnering with Guideposts to ensure we remove barriers to anyone wanting to enjoy the festival and maximising their enjoyment whatever their needs.’
Guideposts Trust works in Oxfordshire and beyond to help connect people together so they can experience the joy that comes from friendship, activity, purpose and occupation. Working with people with additional needs, Guideposts ensure everyone can reach their potential, regardless of circumstance.
Guideposts VIP area for people with additional needs
Music festivals can be difficult to navigate at the best of times, and can prove inaccessible for people with additional needs, stopping them from partaking in one of the most enjoyable summer activities. This year, as part of their commitment to promote inclusivity, Guideposts in Oxfordshire are setting up a VIP area for people with additional needs to help ensure they can enjoy Witney Music Festival. The area will include giant games, a limbo competition, musical instruments, and crafty activities such as rock painting, headband making and more. A chill out and sensory area will also be available. In addition, members will have special access to the main bar, bypassing ques and avoiding crowds. As well as these activities, there will be an opportunity for wheelchair users to use a viewing platform, designed to let them see over the crowds and enjoy watching the performances.
If crowds put you off attending festivals, Guideposts’ FestivALL VIP area may be just the ticket.
Guideposts celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, and they have big plans! All proceeds from FestivALL will go towards making sure Guideposts can continue to support some of the most vulnerable people in society to enjoy future festivals and outdoor events.
In 2022, as well as fundraising for their local services, they have their sights set on their own respite care camping ground. Located next to Guideposts’ Outdoor Wellbeing Hub, they hope to develop accessible camping facilities for those with additional needs, who may otherwise not get the opportunity.