
Duration: 60 minutes, Tuesdays 10am-11am
Price: £12.00
Venue: In-Person
Five Element Qi Gong is a traditional Chinese energy cultivation practice that aligns with the principles of the Five Elements (Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal) of Chinese philosophy.

Those Elements are perhaps better described by a direct translation from the Chinese “Wu Xing” – transformative phases.

This practice harmonises the flow of vital energy, or Qi (pronounced “chee”) and is informed by connecting with those energies. While specific techniques and routines can vary, here are some common elements included in a Five Element Qi Gong practice:

What does it include?

1. Elemental Focus: The core of Five Element Qi Gong revolves around the Five
Elements or Wu Xing. Each element corresponds to specific qualities, movements, and energy pathways in the body. Practitioners often focus on one element at a time or move through a sequence that incorporates all five elements to balance and harmonise their energy.

2. Meditative Breathing: Controlled and mindful breathing is an essential component of Qi Gong. Practitioners use their breath to guide and amplify the flow of qi within their bodies. Deep, rhythmic breathing helps to relax the mind and activate the body’s energy pathways.

3. Movement and Postures: Five Element Qi Gong typically involves a series of gentle, flowing movements and static postures. These movements are designed to open energy channels, stretch and strengthen the body, and facilitate the flow of qi. Each element may have its unique set of associated movements and postures.

4. Visualisation: Visualisation techniques are often used to enhance the connection with the elemental energies. Practitioners may visualise the characteristics and attributes of a particular element, such as the growth of a tree for the Wood element or the warmth of a campfire for the Fire element. This helps channel the mind’s focus and intention.

5. Sound and Chanting: Some forms of Five Element Qi Gong incorporate sound and chanting. Each element may have specific sounds associated with it. These sounds are believed to resonate with the corresponding organs and energy pathways, further promoting balance and healing.

6. Elemental Affirmations: Alongside movements and sounds, practitioners may recite affirmations or mantras related to each element. These affirmations reinforce the positive qualities associated with each element and can contribute to mental and emotional well-being.

7. Elemental Correspondences: In Five Element Qi Gong, each element is linked to specific organs, emotions, seasons, colours, and directions. Practitioners may incorporate these correspondences into their practice to align with the natural cycles and energies of the Five Elements.

8. Mindfulness and Intention: Mindfulness plays a significant role in Five Element Qi Gong. Practitioners are encouraged to be fully present in the moment, focusing their attention on the sensations, movements, and energies within their body. A clear intention towards healing, balance, and personal growth augments the practice. It is important to note that there are various styles and approaches to Five Element Qi Gong, so the specific practices and techniques may vary among teachers and lineages.


Regular practice of Five Element Qi Gong can promote physical health, emotional balance, and
spiritual well-being by aligning the body’s energies with the natural world.

Qi Gong offers a myriad of advantages, primarily centred around promoting the smooth flow of vital energy, known as Qi, enhancing circulation, fostering balance, optimising spinal alignment, and building a strength through softness. Remarkably, Qigong achieves these benefits without the need for weights or strenuous exercises. Instead, strength is cultivated through the harmonious engagement of the entire body in gentle, purposeful movements. These movements also facilitate improved muscle control. Our Qigong class facilitates a journey of tranquility and healing. With each graceful, flowing movement, you will find the opportunity to slow down,  enhance body/mind awareness and gradually release any burdens you may be carrying.

This class offers you the precious time and space to nurture your well-being and embrace  a profound sense of calm and balance.

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01865 590 800

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