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It's 1954 and all is not well on Crow's Skull Farm. Amos Ramsbottom keeps his wife Connie and son Tom virtual prisoners, tied to a life of harsh traditional farming. Meanwhile the local hands-on butcher makes his regular friendly visits; and all the while the scheming Mayoress, Lottie Belcher, plans a new road to cut through the surrounding countryside. A perfect setting for murder, and it's not long before Amos is found dead! Your task is to discover Who Killed the Farmer?
Join us for on 22-24th February at Standlake Village Hall for a murderous evening of intrigue. Enjoy a meal from the Black Horse and make the most of our bar! Doors open at 6pm with dinner at 6.30pm
If you have any questions in the meantime, please reach out to us at [email protected].
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Standlake, Witney, UK
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